ARCH Development Corporation (ADC) is a 501[c] [3] not-for-profit community based organization that believes arts and the creative economy can be employed as part of a comprehensive, synergistic approach to community revitalization in the Anacostia community of the Washington, DC. ADC feels that properly organized facilities and development programs designed to attract artists, performing arts groups, theater companies and other creative community-based organizations can serve as the engine for neighborhood economic development. This approach will yield other benefits. It can nourish the spiritual and creative energies to allow individuals to regenerate themselves. The creative economy also can bridge the many differences that seemingly divide the residents of Anacostia: age, gender, income, race and ethnicity. ADC strives to accomplish its vision with the following programs.
In 2009, ADC was funded by the District of Columbia Commission on Arts and Humanities to develop a new strategic plan to guide its activities over the next three years.
Vivid Solutions DC Photographic Services and Digital Laboratory
Vivid Solutions DC is co-located with the Gallery at Vivid Solutions in Historic Anacostia, 2208 MLK Jr Ave SE. Through the use of high-end, professional Epson printers and a new printing technique developed by Epson France called “Digigraphie,” Vivid Solutions offers fine art replications and high-end printing. Digigraphie is a unique, authentic printing technique which sets a standard for precise color management of prints and reproductive works. ADC has signed an agreement with Epson France to become one of the first American Digigraphie Labs that allow photographic artists and painters to create extremely high-quality limited editions of their original works of art, while completely respecting their creations. The website for Epson digigraphie is and Vivid's can be found at
Art and Artist Consulting
ADC serves as a one-stop-shop for entrepreneurial and business training for East of River and DC artists. ADC provides a variety of business planning, marketing and administrative services. ADC is also working with a number of local cultural organizations helping them secure and/or develop office and work space. For example, ADC assisted the African Drummers and Dancers in developing their new performance space in Anacostia. ADC also provides the American Poetry Museum with gallery space at 1922 MLK Jr. Avenue, SE for its museum.
Neighborhood Development Projects
ADC will be working on two development projects. ADC takes an ownership stake in all of its business development projects. The retained earnings of these projects are used to support ARCH’s arts projects.
The first is a partnership with Gate Post, a faith-based organization that will develop a 4000 square foot building located at 1306-1308 Good Hope Road. Once completed, the building will house a café, performance space on the first floor and office space on the second floor.
ADC will also be working with WDC Solar, an Anacostia-based company, to establish a community-based Photovoltaic (PV) Installation and Solar Module Line Manufacturing Company.
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