News & Updates

Monday, October 18, 2010

GreatSchools DC is giving away FREE tickets to see "Waiting for Superman" this Thursday!

Recording artist and philanthropist John Legend and his non-profit foundation The Show Me Campaign ( ) have generously offered to bring the powerful film “Waiting for Superman" to parents for whom a movie night is a budget challenge by donating 1,244 tickets to GreatSchools to disperse in DC and Milwaukee. The movie takes a deeply personal look by the director into the current state of public education in America today and follows five students and their families – one of whom is from right here in Washington, DC - on their quests for a great education.

We would like to engage parents  to come and see the film. In addition to the ticket, every movie-goer will receive a $10 gift card towards a drink and a snack before the show. The event will take place:

Date: Thursday, October 21
Time: Movie starts promptly at 7:00pm (we will end at 9:15pm)
Location: Landmark Theatres E-Street Cinema - 555 11th Street NW, Washington, DC 20004

This is a parent-night only event; we will not offer childcare so folks will need to make arrangements before committing to a seat.

Because this movie is in such high demand (the theater has consistently sold out this particular time every night), any parent interested in attending needs to RSVP via email at  with their name, phone number and email address by end of day Wednesday, October 20th. We will provide instructions once we have filled the list, but since we only have 225 seats they will move fast and folks who do not have their tickets in hand by 6:45pm will lose their seat to someone on the waiting list.
FYI - Great Schools DC is moving to The Hive in Historic Anacostia!

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